Working to End Period Poverty
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a myriad of social and economic issues worldwide. One issue that has been exacerbated by the loss of jobs and access to school is “period poverty.” Period poverty occurs when girls and their families cannot afford feminine hygiene products, thus resulting in girls being unable to attend school, after school activities, or otherwise fully participate in the world around them. This issue impacts girls everywhere, even in our own hometown.
According to a recent study conducted by Always, “since the COVID-19 pandemic began, 1 in 3 young people feel less confident because they’ve missed after school activities, and 1 out of 3 parents are worried about their ongoing ability to afford period products.”
In Schenectady, non profit group Things of My Very Own has been working to alleviate the effects of period poverty for local girls by collecting and distributing feminine hygiene products to those in need. As a firm, CSW decided to assist with these efforts.
Throughout February our firm worked to collect donations of all forms of feminine hygiene products. At the end of the month, we collected a total of 54 items, which were donated to Things of My Very Own.
If you are interested in aiding Things of My Very Own with this effort, please visit their website at:
Interested in learning more about period poverty?